Friday, December 7, 2007


Yes! I'm back, I'm making an attempt to actually keep this thing going..
I realize that 'Friday Night Download' is somewhat stealing my thunder, and that they even trump me in preparation because they seem to know a small wikidpedia sized amount about their videos, (that's right I have watched the show before, totally ashamed of myself), but I don't care, because I beat them in the cool factor, they are lame. I am slightly less lame then they, and that slight amount of less lame helps me massively in the cool factor, which is by far the most important.
Sure I'm lazy with background of my stories, and some might not find them entertaining, but I'm that little bit cooler.

Anyway, onto what my blog is really about.
The thing I love about youtube is the fact that you can begin on a somewhat generic topic like 'practical jokes', type that into the search engine and you end up with pages of results, but you can go from the first video and build up to something better. Thats how I found this next clip, I was actually watching the clip posted below, of the man laughing and I came across the "Don't laugh" boys. Now my sister didn't find this funny, but I did, judge for yourselves.
It's a group of men who put themselves in certain situations, and if they laugh they suffer consequences.

It's worth checking out the other stuff if you like this one, but you can't beat the poor guy trying to learn English.

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