Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Sorry I know it's not that interesting but this is my beloved baton twirlers semi final performance.
Fuck, I would've voted for him. He was better than the Opera singing middle aged winner of the program. Though that was a little harsh.


Okay so it's late and I'm tired so I'm making this one really quick. This one isn't so much funny as it is heartwarming. Everyone I've shown has loved it, except for one person whom has no heart and shall remain nameless.
I'm only kidding, she's rad.
Here goes, I hope you love him and want to marry him as much as I do.
All the other clips from this show are quite lame, either the contestants are really good and make the woman judge cry, or they're really bad and Simon and the other guy yells at them. There is a cool bartender one though. Though it is a little played up, it's still nice.

Here's the bartenders. They made it to the finals, the prize is performing for the Queen or something.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


My sister and I have a somewhat unhealthy love for cats, now grieving for the loss of our little Kitty Tiger we have been searching around for more clips to cheer us up.
I've kind of lost trust in opening videos sent over email, I will never forget opening up the email this poor boy opens in this next clip.

I don't find this funny, I pity the poor child because I reacted much the same, nowdays I have to wait for the video to load entirely and skim through if I have doubts about it.

So back to cats, my first encounter with youtube involved watching a compilation of videos of cats doing stupid things, and I managed to track it down, just for kicks.

There was another, involving a fan with something tied to the end and two men watching as their poor cat jumped up and grabbed onto it, swinging around and around until the cat loses grip and flies into the wall.
I didn't want to look this up because it's a horrible thing to do to an animal, and to me it's not funny.

So then we come to talking cats, here is the first one I found and made me laugh so much it wasn't long before "oh long johnson" became my msn name.

Okay, Okay, I know I'm going insane with this post but bear with me, only two more to come.
This is an adorable dub of two cats just chillin'. Here goes.

Okay last one! This is toooo cute! Can't you see why I'm a cat person by now? This cat has just returned from the vet, a very beautiful cat, I'd love to own one of them.
They won't let me embed so here's the link.

Check you later.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Yes! I'm back, I'm making an attempt to actually keep this thing going..
I realize that 'Friday Night Download' is somewhat stealing my thunder, and that they even trump me in preparation because they seem to know a small wikidpedia sized amount about their videos, (that's right I have watched the show before, totally ashamed of myself), but I don't care, because I beat them in the cool factor, they are lame. I am slightly less lame then they, and that slight amount of less lame helps me massively in the cool factor, which is by far the most important.
Sure I'm lazy with background of my stories, and some might not find them entertaining, but I'm that little bit cooler.

Anyway, onto what my blog is really about.
The thing I love about youtube is the fact that you can begin on a somewhat generic topic like 'practical jokes', type that into the search engine and you end up with pages of results, but you can go from the first video and build up to something better. Thats how I found this next clip, I was actually watching the clip posted below, of the man laughing and I came across the "Don't laugh" boys. Now my sister didn't find this funny, but I did, judge for yourselves.
It's a group of men who put themselves in certain situations, and if they laugh they suffer consequences.

It's worth checking out the other stuff if you like this one, but you can't beat the poor guy trying to learn English.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have decided to add my name among the millions of bloggers across the world, with boredom by my side I set out to place some thoughts on a web blog that I happen to know, absolutely nobody will read.
Maybe I like it that well, hell, maybe I want it that way. I might be a little more inspired to write something of interest on this blog if I know nobody I know will find it.

Then again, I probably won't.
This is just a chance for me to begin stashing wonderfully funny clips and pictures I find on my day to day searching on the internet.
Hence 'Lena's treasure'.
I'm not particularly creative, nor do I have the best vocabulary on the planet, and the only reason I haven't spelt anything wrong is because I have spell check on my computer, so this is going to be a nightmare for all of my English teachers if they ever stumble across any of my posts. Also any of you that are totally anal about grammar, I suggest you close this blog now, it's going to be hell...

So, for my first post, I'm going to put up one of my old, old, extremely old favorites..
Lets keep in mind that most of the time this is what I find funny, and with the help of my sisters opinion(until she moves out, which won't be long then you're stuck with my crap) we'll be posting the best of the best.

Number one is an old man randomly chosen out of an audience, he turns out to be funnier than the skit he's involved with: