Sunday, May 23, 2010


Bugger, fell off the wagon again.
This could be attributed to the fact that I have lost a lot of my time usually spent messing around on youtube to the rather large burden of University, oh, and life in general.
This post is a shameless self promotion to relive a time in my life that I - as skinny as I was - would never want to revisit.
This series however, is something I am pretty proud of, and it was a pleasure to be a part of. The lovely creator Sam Cremean and his hilarious mind is to thank for this, this is part one of the first episode:

Get the picture? We follow this journey all the way through, with highs and lows, and ridiculous, occasionally low brow humour.

Check it out if you can, it'd be great to get it out there a bit more.

Also, I think I might try and mix in some stuff about the television I'm watching now, mostly due to the fact that it is taking over my life entirely.

Okay, back on the horse, see you soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


The late sixties comedy sketch show that I had developed an unhealthy new addiction to.
Whether it be the overly tanned, mustached hosts, or the enthralling beauty of the late sixties, I can't seem to stop myself from scouring the internet for more clips, to sustain my junkie like dependence, to get my fix...

I think I might have to source a dvd of this one folks...
Though it may seem corny there's something so wonderful about it, don't ask me what it is, I'll never be able to explain it.

I think it's her hair, the hair is doing amazing things for me...

P.S. Hi Yoshi.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Too many times have I fought off accusations of being a nerd!
This label that you've given me, which lacks logic or thought, did you ever consider that it might hurt myself, and the true nerds of this worlds feelings?!
Wikipedia, (that's right, I use valuable sources of information), states that a nerd is "a person who passionately pursues intellectual activities, esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests that are age inappropriate rather than engaging in more social or popular activities."
For those unaware, 'Esoteric' is knowledge which is restricted to a number of people.
Bringing me to the point I am not a nerd, I show enthusiasm in some subjects, yes, but I don't passionately pursue them! I had to look the word esoteric up, so that cuts out me being part of any special group, unless sharing secrets counts, and if it does, WE'RE ALL NERDS WHOOHOOO! Obscure interests that are age inappropriate? Um, no.
So nerr to all of you, I'm not a nerd.
Bringing me to one of my top 3 favorite videos on the internet.
I can recite this from start to finish, and cried I laughed so hard the first time I saw this. The fact that I have actually attempted to play the game involved in this clip probably, scratch that, definitely helps this to be funny for me though.
Oh, the arguments.
I tried to get some background information, but the website in the credits at the end is a porn/sex toy website.
That was fun.
Anyway, ENJOY!

These, my friends, are the read nerds. Infesting our population with their acne and squeaky voices. But fuck, I respect them.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Alright, I've got one awesome one and a couple of pretty good ones, I'll warm you up to the awesome one.
Number one, "Jerimiah's scared face".

Number two, "Blood".

Number Three, "The Evil Look".

And last but not least, and my personal favorite, "Charlie Bit My Finger".

I can't be bothered with a big post, but those are a few favorites.
Babies might be something I come back to....


I can't believe I held this one captive for so long!
Of all the videos circling the internet, this one, by far is the best.
It's hilariously funny, clever, and absolutely ridiculous, the best kind of humor.
The animator and genius behind this masterpiece is a man by the name Don Hertzfeldt, it explains the story behind them in the clip but I'll summarize it anyway.
Don was commissioned by the Family Learning Channel to create a series of short cartoon clips (for promotional use). They were
rejected as soon as the people from the Family Learning Channel watched them. The Johnson and Mills Corporation also asked him to create a few adds for them, these were also rejected. Hence why, the video is called, Rejected.
Okay, here goes guys, eat it up.

So, the first time I watched this clip, it wasn't on youtube (ohmygod, nooooway!), and to create this post I decided youtube was the go. I searched, and as with most popular videos I find people have ripped them off, some unfortunate, and some just as funny as the originals.
Here's a few for kicks.
I'll guide you through the good and bad ones.

For example:
This one, I can only assume is made with those crummy things on msn that move when you have a microphone and you're talking instead of typing. (Yes, I know a pathetic amount about msn messenger, shut up!)

Normally I hate it when people do this with videos, sample real cartoons and dub them, but I'm letting this one slide.

Yeah, I kind of just pity these guys, the douche bags that go on youtube videos and post nasty comments should go live in a hole and have pessimistic orgies with each other. Though don't let them spawn, chuck 'em some contraception.

So I keep searching, right. (I know what you're thinking, "Lena's pathetic Tuesday night of youtube is ending in a horribly boring blog", and you're probably right. Probably being the key word because I know I'm awesome and I don't need no validation from you non existent reader types.)
My search leads me to this guy, whether his rap is based on the banana from Peanut Butter Jelly Time we'll never know. (Dare someone to email him!) Still, I find this mildly amusing, in a I'm-trying-too-hard-to-be-a-youtube-celebrity kind of way. I love the Banana break-dancing, and I did find myself saying "Banana" along with him. But I'm probably the only person on the planet that did that. Also kudos to him for teaching me that vitamin A-95 comes from Banana's.

Last one, because I've said "banana" a creepy amount in this post. This one I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. I'm sure on a mind altering substance this would be like crack, and if you were on crack, something else. (Sorry I know that was a bad joke, probably doesn't even count as a joke).



Saturday, August 2, 2008


This makes me go warm and tingly inside.
I don't need to say anymore really. Enjoy

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Okay, so I lost it for a while there, but who wasn't expecting that?
This has got to be one of the BEST news reports I've ever seen. I'm assuming it speaks for itself, and if you don't have a chuckle at the unfortunate defense mechanism of these animals I'll laugh for you.
Gets me every time.
P.s. How brilliant would it be if that happened to Humans when they get excited?

Also I love how he says, "there are scores of breeders that love them, just the way they are".
I would probably torment these poor animals if I bred them, running around after them and laughing at them.
I'm a horrible person, I know.