Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I can't believe I held this one captive for so long!
Of all the videos circling the internet, this one, by far is the best.
It's hilariously funny, clever, and absolutely ridiculous, the best kind of humor.
The animator and genius behind this masterpiece is a man by the name Don Hertzfeldt, it explains the story behind them in the clip but I'll summarize it anyway.
Don was commissioned by the Family Learning Channel to create a series of short cartoon clips (for promotional use). They were
rejected as soon as the people from the Family Learning Channel watched them. The Johnson and Mills Corporation also asked him to create a few adds for them, these were also rejected. Hence why, the video is called, Rejected.
Okay, here goes guys, eat it up.

So, the first time I watched this clip, it wasn't on youtube (ohmygod, nooooway!), and to create this post I decided youtube was the go. I searched, and as with most popular videos I find people have ripped them off, some unfortunate, and some just as funny as the originals.
Here's a few for kicks.
I'll guide you through the good and bad ones.

For example:
This one, I can only assume is made with those crummy things on msn that move when you have a microphone and you're talking instead of typing. (Yes, I know a pathetic amount about msn messenger, shut up!)

Normally I hate it when people do this with videos, sample real cartoons and dub them, but I'm letting this one slide.

Yeah, I kind of just pity these guys, the douche bags that go on youtube videos and post nasty comments should go live in a hole and have pessimistic orgies with each other. Though don't let them spawn, chuck 'em some contraception.

So I keep searching, right. (I know what you're thinking, "Lena's pathetic Tuesday night of youtube is ending in a horribly boring blog", and you're probably right. Probably being the key word because I know I'm awesome and I don't need no validation from you non existent reader types.)
My search leads me to this guy, whether his rap is based on the banana from Peanut Butter Jelly Time we'll never know. (Dare someone to email him!) Still, I find this mildly amusing, in a I'm-trying-too-hard-to-be-a-youtube-celebrity kind of way. I love the Banana break-dancing, and I did find myself saying "Banana" along with him. But I'm probably the only person on the planet that did that. Also kudos to him for teaching me that vitamin A-95 comes from Banana's.

Last one, because I've said "banana" a creepy amount in this post. This one I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. I'm sure on a mind altering substance this would be like crack, and if you were on crack, something else. (Sorry I know that was a bad joke, probably doesn't even count as a joke).



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