Sunday, May 23, 2010


Bugger, fell off the wagon again.
This could be attributed to the fact that I have lost a lot of my time usually spent messing around on youtube to the rather large burden of University, oh, and life in general.
This post is a shameless self promotion to relive a time in my life that I - as skinny as I was - would never want to revisit.
This series however, is something I am pretty proud of, and it was a pleasure to be a part of. The lovely creator Sam Cremean and his hilarious mind is to thank for this, this is part one of the first episode:

Get the picture? We follow this journey all the way through, with highs and lows, and ridiculous, occasionally low brow humour.

Check it out if you can, it'd be great to get it out there a bit more.

Also, I think I might try and mix in some stuff about the television I'm watching now, mostly due to the fact that it is taking over my life entirely.

Okay, back on the horse, see you soon.

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