Thursday, September 4, 2008


Too many times have I fought off accusations of being a nerd!
This label that you've given me, which lacks logic or thought, did you ever consider that it might hurt myself, and the true nerds of this worlds feelings?!
Wikipedia, (that's right, I use valuable sources of information), states that a nerd is "a person who passionately pursues intellectual activities, esoteric knowledge, or other obscure interests that are age inappropriate rather than engaging in more social or popular activities."
For those unaware, 'Esoteric' is knowledge which is restricted to a number of people.
Bringing me to the point I am not a nerd, I show enthusiasm in some subjects, yes, but I don't passionately pursue them! I had to look the word esoteric up, so that cuts out me being part of any special group, unless sharing secrets counts, and if it does, WE'RE ALL NERDS WHOOHOOO! Obscure interests that are age inappropriate? Um, no.
So nerr to all of you, I'm not a nerd.
Bringing me to one of my top 3 favorite videos on the internet.
I can recite this from start to finish, and cried I laughed so hard the first time I saw this. The fact that I have actually attempted to play the game involved in this clip probably, scratch that, definitely helps this to be funny for me though.
Oh, the arguments.
I tried to get some background information, but the website in the credits at the end is a porn/sex toy website.
That was fun.
Anyway, ENJOY!

These, my friends, are the read nerds. Infesting our population with their acne and squeaky voices. But fuck, I respect them.